
OEM Service


OEM Service

Customize Your Experience with Our OEM Service

We take pride in offering global clients the flexibility of OEM customization. Whether you have specific preferences for product branding, color schemes, or user interfaces, we are here to meet your unique requirements.

Why Choose Our OEM Service:

  • Global Reach: We cater to users worldwide, ensuring that our OEM services are accessible to a diverse range of customers.
  • Customized Branding: Tailor the product to align with your brand identity. From logos to color palettes, we accommodate your branding preferences.
  • Interactive Interface: If you have specific requirements for the user interface, our OEM services allow you to shape the product's interactive elements according to your vision.

Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) Requirement:

To initiate your personalized OEM journey, please refer to the minimum order quantity requirements outlined in the table below:

Demand MOQ Additional extended lead time
Change LOGO Only 1 Unit 7 days
Change Color of Equipment Please consult with our sales 30 days
New UI Design or Control Panel Design Please consult with our sales 30 days

Choose RADOBIO for a customized experience that reflects your brand and resonates with your audience. Let's transform your ideas into reality!