
I-MS160 I-Statable Incubator Shaker | Iningizimu ye-University of Science neTekhnoloji

I-MS160 I-Statable Incubator Shaker Shaker Ephakamisa Ukulima Amagciwane eSouthern University of Science neTekhnoloji

Evezweni lokucwaninga kwesayensi yempilo eSouthern University of Science and Technology, i-MS160 SHAKRACT SHAKRALER SHAKER SHAKER yethule i-mettle yayo ekulimakeni kwamagciwane ngaphezulu kwesilinganiso seminyaka emihlanu ehlaba umxhwele. Le Shaker ye-Incubator ethembekile ebikhombisile ukuqina okungagugi kulo lonke ukusetshenziswa kwayo okunwetshiwe, idlala indima ebaluleke kakhulu ekuhlolweni komhlaba okuyisisekelo eyunivesithi futhi ifaka isandla ekuthuthukiseni ulwazi lwesayensi. Hlola ukuthi i-Ms160 Shaker Shaker Shaker Shaker isiphenduke kanjani umngane osemqoka ekuphishekeleni i-University Precese Ezesayensi Yempilo.

I-Incubator Shaker

Isikhathi sePosi: APR-30-2021